About Us

Reverend Canon William Deverell

Incumbent - Rector Tallaght Parish

Canon of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin

Mobile +353-86-803-0239 

Auxiliary: Rev A. Bennett – 01-628-2353                                           

Who we are

St Maelruain's Church, Tallaght, on the south-western outskirts of Dublin, the capital of Ireland, is built on an ancient Christian site with a long and distinctive history. Not long ago it was a small rural church. It is surrounded now by the shops, offices and the vast spread of new housing in this area. It stands as a symbol of eternal truths at the centre of the new town which is Tallaght.

St Maelruain's parish is a Parish of the Church of Ireland, a national church in communion with the world-wide Anglican Communion of churches. It is both reformed and catholic with a synodical form of government which involves laity, clergy and bishops in all decision making. We place a strong emphasis on the rights of the individual and individual conscience, encouraging all our members to come to a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Combined with this we have a strong sense of the importance of the church as the visible Body of Christ in the world and we emphasise the need for loyalty to the church and the need for ordered and reverent liturgical worship. 

Tallaght Parish is an inclusive welcoming space with parishioners from all over the world represented and contributing actively to the parish community. 

We believe that our faith is something which prompts and motivates our concern for the community and our involvement in the world. We seek to be sensitive to the needs and aspirations of marginalised and minority groups in society and of individuals with intractable problems. 

As well as being in communion with other Anglican churches, the Church of Ireland is in full communion with the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht, the Church of Pakistan, the Church of South India, the Church of North India, the Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar and through the Porvoo Agreement, with the Baltic-Nordic Lutheran Churches. 

St Maelruain's Church

Short Video showing around interior of St Maelruain's Church

Produced by Michael Finn

Select Vestry

Parish structure

All Parishioners 18yars and older are eligible to be members of the General Vestry (The Vestry) of the Parish

Every year there is an Easter Vestry (Parish AGM) where The Vestry elect a Select Vestry and Church and Glebe Wardens

The role of the Select Vestry is to advise and manage matters relating to the three "F"s of the Parish: 

Fabric (Land & Buildings), Finance and Fixtures (furniture and equipment)